Every year I talk about how far she has come, and how many obstacles she has overcome.
She really has blown the socks off of everyone!! Doctors, family and friends alike, and even strangers, when we get to share her story.

Faith is so full of life and energy. She is loving and cuddly and loves to just sit and snuggle with anyone who is willing to snuggle.
Faith also has her struggles. If you read any of my "frustrated" posts you will already know what those struggles are.
But, in the grand scheme of things, this is the child who should not be walking, talking, breathing or eating on her own, hearing, seeing etc...
This is the child who was never supposed to be able to say "I love you" or even "mommy" or "daddy".
So, whatever her struggles are, and no matter how frustrated we may become, she is exactly as we would want her.
She disproves the findings that once your brain is severely damaged, you won't be able to rebuild those lines to accomplish things in this life. She has proven that the human body along with supernatural powers (the strength in the power of prayer) can really turn someone around!!
This is what Faith woke up singing today...I had to video it and document it. To prove that when you are given the worst possible diagnosis and outcome, the final outcome is all in the perspective:-)
Enjoy this 5 year old birthday song!!
Happy Birthday Faith!! Keep impressing those doctors honey, we know you are going to change the world!!! xoxoxo