Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Day My Blog Disappeared...

Holy scare the life out of me!!!

I have had a friend helping me out with redesigning my blog, I am loving the changes and am so grateful that he was willing to help out.  I told him I am just helping him brush up on his skills, so it is a benefit to him too;-)  Not sure if he believes me, but oh well!!

Anyhow, last night we were working through some things, making a few more changes and then...


My blog was GONE!!!

Google disappeared all the blogs that were associated with my account!!!!!!

We freaked out (in a quiet way) by just staring at the screen and wondering what the heck happened!!

We tried pulling it up with the address bar---"BLOG NOT FOUND"

Seriously, my heart was in my throat...not for the technical or business reasons, but because I have 6 years of family stories on here...I just didn't want to lose it all!!

We tried logging out and back in to Google and they wanted me to verify my account?!?!

I have seen this screen before but I have always been able to skip it, because I don't like giving out my phone number...

This time, however, we couldn't just skip it, so I "verified" the account and Google sent me a text message...

And my blogs were back...

But still, after watching what he was doing on my site, and KNOWING that he hadn't touched anything, and this was all Google related, I was really scared...

I now need to find some way to backup my blog, to save all the posts that are important to me...because ultimately, I would be devastated to lose it all:-(

So, all is well now, my blog has been redesigned, it is cleaner and crisper...I want to add a new background image, but that will happen when I have more time...

And I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to Brad!!  I would have never been able to figure it all out (in a decent amount of time) on my own...

What do you think of my new design?  What do you think should be changed? What programs are out there to back up blog posts?


  1. I write all my blog posts in Word, then paste it into my blog. - if you have a bit of time, you can take each post you've already writting, select/copy and paste into a new word document. save. :) if you do that for each, you'll have them all! a little time consuming, but worth it to preserve :D Good luck!

  2. You can export all of your posts from blogger to your computer. It will be found in your dashboard. I did that before making the move to wordpress.

  3. I like the clean look of your design. I have to say I don't think I would have handled my blog disappearing as well as you did. I know some people use Backupify and, like Angele, I always keep a word copy on my computer.
