Saturday, January 01, 2011

Blog Dare Day 1 - Resolutions

I am going to add random pics on these posts:-) Faith showing off Hopes mad makeup skills.

I have decided to join the Blog Dare (blogging every day) at Bloggy Moms this year.  I like that I will be able to meet and connect with some other bloggers and look forward to the new community that this will be for me.

So, here is day 1.  I am going to start with the writing prompts, since I have been super busy lately.  Here goes:

What is your resolution for 2011? Do you often make a resolution and not keep it? What is the longest you have kept a New Years resolution? What is your most often chosen New Years resolution? What do you think about New Years resolutions?

In the past I have made various resolutions and always felt like a failure, to some extent, when I have not kept up with it.  I had started making goals instead...and then the same things would happen and I would feel bad. 

This year I am not sure how I am going to handle this.  I like the idea of goals.  I just think that instead of big goals, that aren't quite reachable, I am going to pick some smaller goals.

So, first and foremost, I want to take a more active role in moving to a healthier lifestyle.  This may sound like a big goal, but when I say that I actually mean starting some exercise (not a regimented plan, just moving more) and paying more attention to the foods we eat (not a diet, or a drastic change, just being more aware of what we eat).  Health.

This year we would like to do some work around the house.  We have been here over 3 years now and it is time that we make it ours.  We want to start with the washer and dryer, moving it upstairs to the main floor.  We have the plan, we just need to get someone in to tell us how it can be done and what the cost would be. 

And the last goal, that is reachable, is going on a vacation.  I have already talked about this quite a bit here, so my regular readers will already know that hubby and I have planned a vacation.  He now has his week booked off and we are starting to look at deals.  It seems that the 2 choices for us are Cuba or Dominican.  This is something that we have never done since we have been married - go away for a week without the kids!!  It is definitely time...

And that is it for day 1 of the Blog Dare.  I am looking forward to this year long journey with this great community of bloggers.


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