She was kind of feeling under the weather this morning...just not herself. There was no fever, no explanation...other then it was a rough night last night with her sleeping.
She cried a lot this morning and was just plain cranky...
A friend and I were heading out for the morning and I mentioned that Faith was low key...and the next thing I knew, Faith was walking into a wall...she didn't cry, or really hurt herself...but yeah, she walked INTO a wall...
This was weird, I got closer and looked at her again and realized that she was in a seizure. It was small, and lasted 8 minutes. We prayed for her and she had her ativan and all was well...
But I was amazed at how I could read that she was just off today...I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew that something was possibly going to happen. We have talked with the doctor and neither of us are too concerned yet.

Anyhow, she recovered okay today and we went out to watch Princess play soccer with her school...this is the first game that they won!! I should have left Faith at home...these are the many faces of Faith at the soccer game...
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