On Saturday night we had quite the storm. Some houses just outside of our area lost power until Sunday night and Monday morning. Our power did go out, but only for an hour.
Let me tell you, with me being under the weather, and having a 4 year old, awake, and a 18 month old asleep, that hour just drags on and on and on...
We made some sample centrepieces for the tea party coming up. The kids at the church are making them and I had to make sure they were kid friendly and easy enough to make. Pooky had an awesome time making the flowers and gluing etc...
Then when they were done, in 15 minutes, we still had no power so, I thought it would be fun to let Pooky run around in the rain storm. It wasn't lightneing too bad by this time, and the thunder had slowed down.
Pooky was thrilled. I sat on the porch and in between the lightening and the thunders I would tell her to go quick and jump in the puddles, that are on our not so even driveway. She had a blast. So much fun that I grabbed the camera and snapped some pictures.
I am sure our neighbours think we are seriously crazy, but she had fun and will remember barefoot puddle jumping as one of her favourite childhood pasttimes!!

jumping in dirty puddles in a white dress...
I really need to be stretched in this area :-)