Thursday, March 26, 2009

Random thoughts of the day...

* I really like the skin care products that I bought and I think that I am going to sign up to be a consultant, just so I can get my discount!! That is ok...I am sure...I can't afford it otherwise, and I don't want to keep throwing parties that expect people to come and pay for I can get mine cheaper...

* I am really looking forward to homeschooling next year...I am getting those excited butterfly feelings and think it is awesome that I have such a peace about it. I am also realizing that my style may/will differ a lot from what I was doing before we stopped 2 years ago. I am a much more laid back person, with a more vocal attitude. I find that I seem to have gained some extra confidence along the way and I am happy about that. I still need to work on the second guessing that I do too frequently...

* I love getting together with moms, and other adults. We had our moms group today and I soaked my feet and my sister actually came close enough to paint my toe nails! I love that while we are doing that we can have some really great conversations. They just aren't a bunch of small, petty things either, it is actually about everyone helping each other out with advice and ideas on how to handle things. Some of these ladies have been places that others are at now and it is nice to know that we are not all alone out there, and that no matter race, religion, upbringing, we all seem to have something in common that can help out someone else...

* I am starting a new devotional book with my 2 older girls. It seems really good and I am certain that I will be going through a good fighting battle to do this with 1 in particular...I don't care, they need to know how God sees them...and I will do that no matter what!!

* My 11 year old, Princess, now has a job walking a boy to and from school...they want to pay her $20 a week...I think that is crazy!! I am calling the mom and suggesting that Princess will either do it for free...or for $10 a week...$80 a month is way too much for an 11 year old, in my opinion!!

* I am still getting excited about the tea party. We are going to be doing goody bags up and I have plans for the Sunday school kids to help out. I was also thinking that since we are going to make some homemade, natural products for the bags, that I could potentially use them to try to start a small home business...I know that I lost quite a bit last time, it didn't work out so well, but if you don't try something new, how will you ever know what would have worked or not...? Taking the risk is important!!

* I think I am going to go to the PSW orientation at our local post secondary (government funded) school. I am nervous about taking the test...

* I learned the name of an anti malarial pill that is the best one out there...Malorone (sp)? That is what we will get for Mr. Hockey...

* Faith is down to monthly visits with the therapists...I am a little bit scared of letting go of all the services that we have lived with for so long...the dietician will only be a few more months as well, since she is gaining. As excited as I am, it is a really bittersweet feeling...

Quote to end this totally ADD/Random post...

Aim for the moon, if you miss, you still end up in the stars!!!


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