Monday, January 08, 2007


Cleaning IS detrimental to my health...whoever thinks it is fun, is nuts!!

It must be allergies. My eyes are burning, my nose is stuffed - but too empty to blow. I am sneezing like I have never sneezed in my life. Ahhh...all this dust that I never bothered with before is now getting back at me!!

Anyhow, we finally went through all the clothes in the laundry room. To give you a mental picture (cause my camera is in the van, which is at hubby's work), we started at 10am. We brought up all the clothes from the laundry room. It covered the entire living room floor, twice! It is now almost 3:30pm and we finally finished sorting, garbage and giveaway.

We have 3 bags to give away and 1 bag of garbage. This is our first sort. We still have to wash the keeps (which is still way too many) and sort them out too. I have such a hard time controlling the amount of clothes in here.

I am also thinking of cancelling our Y membership. I enjoy the kids swimming there and the program that Cutie Pie goes to, but it is such a stressful night for us all. We have to rely on my mother to get us there (or bus, with all the kids, in the blizzard weather we are having today), then we are there from 5:30 until 8pm. It really makes it a long night, cause I am juggling Pooky, who won't stay in her room at all, and then picking Cutie Pie up at 6:30 running to the change room to get me and Pooky ready for our swimming class at 6:30, Cutie Pie waits until 7pm, on the side of the deck for her class to start. Mr. Hockey and Princess swim from 6-645.
It is exhausting and I think I am done with it. Our membership expires in April and I don't think we will qualify for the cheap membership again. So, I am thinking that it just isn't that important. If any of the kids show an interest in lessons, then we will sign that specific child up. It can't be that bad...right?

I have a hard time with these decisions. We were always in lessons and gymnastics and sports and piano and...I could go on forever. I feel really stressed about it all and think that 1 or 2 things each is more than enough. They don't all need to be doing the same things, but because we homeschool, I almost feel obligated to put my kids in all kinds of activities, you know, socialize! No, really, it is something that I really struggle with and have been thinking about a lot more lately.

Mr. Hockey is in Ball Hockey, Awana, Piano, swimming (for the time being) and homeschool group. Princess is in soccer in the spring, Awana, piano, swimming (for now) and homeschool group. Cutie Pie is in swimming, Awana, homeschool group and swimming (for now). Pooky, well, she is too little but we did enjoy swimming together. This is too much? How do others handle this stuff in their family? I don't want my kids to miss out on opportunities that they could have had if they had been doing something or other, but I don't want to overschedule our lives that we miss out on being a family.

New Years = New thoughts and new beginnings


  1. I would be going crazy if I had your schedule! My oldest two are in extra stuff, floor hockey on Tuesdays and ballet on Thursdays and I find that it is stressful on me. When this is done in May, we will find something for them on ONE night together so no crazy driving schedule. I think maybe ice skating again for all 3 of them.

    I've actually heard a lot about over scheduling our kids in today's society and raising adults who can't function in quiet times and without scedules. Same thing with the DVD generation who can't drive to the corner store without putting in a movie in the van...

    I don't think you need to "socialize" your kids. They aren't missing out, they have lots of friends and church and extended family. My aunt who homeschooled in "tim buck two" didn't have programs for her kids to go to - she had no choice, the closest town was like 80 miles away.

    Ask God what your schedule should look like. He knows best what you need and don't need to do. and remember not to make a choice based on a fear - fear that you're causing them to miss out by homeschooling them. If there is a gap trust God to fill it - and He will!

  2. Hi Ruth ~~You sure sound busy with all those activities. Thanks for your visit and I am glad you enjoyed the jokes. Especially the little girl saying the blessing. Kids never misquote us, they quote us word for word !! Take care, Cheers, Merle.
    What are the T T s for??

  3. I think the activities your kids are involved in sound great, but not at the risk of your sanity! Do what is manageable. Your kids have lots of opportunities to be social. They need down time, too. If you decide to drop a few activities, don't feel guilty. You're the mom - you know your family best!
