Tuesday, December 12, 2006

One of many van conversations last night

We drove around to quite a few places last night again. I feel like we live in the van many days...Oh, well.

Princess says to Cutie Pie: "You have epidermis" This is the conversation that came after that comment.

Princess: You have epidermis
Cutie Pie: No I don't, what is it?
Princess: Mom, what is it again?
Me: Skin
Mr. Hockey: I love turkey epidermis, I mean chicken epidermis.
Princess: Ewww
Mr. Hockey: It sure does taste good!
Princess: Mom, what was the other "E" word we have in our body?
Me: Esophagus
Princess: Yeah, esophagus, Cutie Pie, YOU have an esophagus
Cutie Pie: (whining) NO I DON'T, mom, tell Princess to stop
Me: Cutie Pie it is in your throat, it is fine

Yeah, these are the kind of conversations which tell me my kids really do listen and learn...

Anyhow, I wanted to post a pic of one of the gifts I have finished for Princess. My friend Sharon showed me how to crochet and I was so excited. I made Princess a belt, the kind that you tie up and let the extra hang down. It was really easy to make, I even put some tassles on the ends! I had another friend show me how to do another crochet stich, so I am making a purse for Cutie Pie. These are all going to go with the pj's that I plan on making too. So, I am happy that I am working my way through finishing gifts for my family. I love this part of Christmas!


  1. Those van conversations are so funny. You could write a book of them!

    I love the colors in the belt!

  2. oh I love the colors in that! I love crocheting, it is so much easier than knitting!

  3. The belt is cool. Princess will love it.
