Friday, November 10, 2006

A few thoughts and some 'womanly' questions...

Yes, men, you have been warned!!

But first, before that other stuff, a few thought for today.

1. I didn't get a chance to do my T13 yesterday. I was pretty busy cleaning, more laundry, having Cutie Pie's friend over, cooking (we have had homecooked meals all week!!) and feeling a bit under the weather.

2. We have been talking about our finances and how we are going to start some savings. I have a few questions for the Primerica guys...what are their fees, and my parents say that they do all their investments at the bank and there are no fees...what do they offer that would cost fees (if there are any).

But, we have always talked about GIC's and mutual funds and stuff like that, so we know we are thinking in the right direction. I like the RESP...if it doesn't get used then we can transfer up to $50,000 to an RRSP instead, with the interest. It doesn't sound so bad...talking to my parents about it, their take on RESP's are why bother, start a savings account, of some kind...that unlocks or opens around the time the kids would be of age to go to university or college and handle your own money...but, I know we are not disciplined enough (we are working on it) to do that ourselves, so it may not be a bad idea for a RESP.

3. My kids have been playing so well together. It is nice for a change. We told them we were thinking that we may move within the next year or 2 and we need to work on keeping the house clean and getting it ready to show. The very next day they spent the entire day downstairs doing laundry and playing in between loads. Almost all of our laundry room is empty now!!
They really want to move...


4. So, my time started yesterday. I really shouldn't complain because it only comes on average every 60 or so days...not bad, right? Anyhow, I have always been curious about this new product out there. I know that there has been something called the "Keeper" for quite a while, but it looked really, kinda scary...So, I had heard from a few people about this new product called "Instead", it is a cup type of thing that you can wear for up to 12 hours without a problem. I was in Shoppers Drug Mart last night and happened to see them on the shelf and thought I would try it out... My question is, has anyone ever used this or something like it before? What did you think of it? Did it work? How well or not well did it work? It was very affordable, $5 for 6. Is this a seriously viable alternative to other feminine products?

Anyhow, these are my thoughts for today...


  1. I've never heard of that! It sounds kinda grosse...

    The only reason to do an RESP is for the Canada Education Savings Grant, the money the Government gives you based on what you put in each year, when the grant didn't exist there wasn't a draw for the product, it was no different than a savings account or plain old GIC.

  2. I hate my period. Hate.My.Period. I've only used tampons and pads. I hadn't really heard of those other products before.

  3. I have heard of those.....I don't know anyone who has used them but I am thinking of trying them too.

    and for #2 I agree with your parents about a savings rather than the RESP/RRSP...they are fine until you cash them...then you get hit with the taxes and if you cash them early you get a penalty...that is with the RRSP's anyways I know the RESP's are a little different but I know someone who had them and then decided not to do it cuz they were financially going thru a brutal time and they couldn't stop or they would have had a HUGE just make sure! You can put $$ into a savings account from them and set it up at your bank so that the $ automatically goes in every month!! sorry...just my opinion though you guys obviously have to do what you feel is best!!

  4. I've heard of this cup. They were very expensive when I heard of it. Glad to hear they went down in price. It is like putting a diaphram in place. Sounds kind of messy and I would suggest a pad for accidents. My friend Audrey from Australia used it. It takes time to learn to position it correctly. I would try it. Are they reusable? Is the idea is less landfill?
