Wednesday, September 27, 2006

If I had a camera...

I really want a camera. I feel like I am missing out on so many neat pictures while my kids are growing up. Funny thing though, about priorities...we just HAD to get a new fridge...gotta love this adult stuff!!

Right now, if I had a camera, it would see this...

The first picture would be...
An overcast sky, with really cool "marshmallowy" like clouds of varying shades of grey. 7 kids, from 17 months up to 11 sitting on our proch swing, with huge amounts of anticipation on their faces. Pooky's face is covered in chocolate (as always) and they are shouting at everyone driving by in their cars about the wonderful show they are waiting for. Beside the swing is an old, red lego bucket with plastic wrap over top.

The show they are waiting for is a severe thunderstorm we are supposed to be having soon. They are so excited, who needs movies?

The second picture would be inside the lego container:
If you look closely through the plastic wrap, there is a container of leaves and branches and dirt...look a little that a leaf too? Nope, it is a preying mantis. Bright, fluorescent greent and a heart shaped head. It has a cricket in its hand and mouth.

Yup, you heard me right. We now have a pet preying/praying mantis. We are going to run out tonight and get a real home for it. The kids and I decided today that we are going to make this our pet. I am still trying to figure out how to tell if it is a boy or a girl. My brother had 2 that he found for his daughter and she learned right away, that they liked each other a lot and the male was on top of the female to make eggs. Then yesterday we found a bush full of them.

We hadn't fed this one until today. We were out fixing up the garden and the lawn and planting some nice bulbs that our neighbour blessed us with, and we found a cricket. So the kids caught it and put it into the container with the mantis. It zoned its sights in on the cricket and attacked it when it got close enough. It was totally cool!! I think this will be the cheapest pet we will have ever had. We will just buy crickets for it and that is pretty much all it needs, I think.

I am going to email the local university's etymology department and ask them a few questions about raising mantis'. Sounds like a cool project to me. This would be our "unschooling" part of school today!!


  1. That's the beauty of finances... no matter how much money you just spent, there's always something else to WANT! Maybe Santa will bring one!

  2. The praying mantis sounds like a cool learning project and fun too!

  3. We didn't have a camera for the longest time and I missed out on a lot of good pictures of the kids when they were younger. I'm hoping that dad has some pictures that I can search through some day. Try one of the disposable ones that Zehrs has you pay for the developing and film all at once. Then there is no worrying about paying for the pictures when you pick them up.That was always my problem.

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  5. wow that is neat! not sure if I would like it cuz I know it would get loose somehow!!

  6. Hi Ruth ~ Glad you enjoyed the Fireman Ben story. It shows that there are still good people about. Take care, Merle.

  7. Never had one of those as a pet but sounds cool. Plus you get to learn about it while trying to keep it alive.
