Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wednesdays Random Thoughts

I know it is Wordless Wednesday, but I can't find a pic that I would like to put up and so many words are running through my head. I will be back next week for sure!!

Random thought #1...I hope it doesn't rain. We are heading out to the park with a bunch of friends. We went on Monday as well, but it started to rain, which is fine, but then the lightening came...yah, we headed home after that...and it only stormed for about 10 minutes!!

Random thought #2...I can't wait to get my doctors appointment over tomorrow. It is at 9am and I really hate going in for physicals. Yuck, they do all that "stuff" that you know you need to get done but really try to put it off...And I know there will be a bunch of bloodwork to get done as well. I have the worlds worst veins...on occasion they have used the childs butterfly syringe in my hand or my wrist...yah, I hate doctors!!

Random thought #3...I am also excited that tomorrow, at 12:30, a friend and I are heading to check out a weight loss program. You can check it out at Canadian Calorie Counters. Let me know what you think. It is only $40 a year and then $1 a week for the meeting and weigh-in. Looks like they are more interested in helping you then profitting off of you...

Random thought #4...How much should I write in a blog post. There has been so much flying around in my mind. I would love to be able to write it all down. My frustrations, my insecurities, my problems, etc... all that stuff that boggles my mind, but would I put anything here that I would have a hard time saying in, and I don't believe I have, but there are somethings that need to be dealt with in person and I feel I just need to gather my thoughts about it first. I really hate conflict and I am such a people pleaser. It hurts so hard to stir pots and say how I feel, sometimes it gets taken wrong, and totally out of do I not say anything at all and let it continue festering, because I don't want it to be taken the wrong way or do I speak up and feel like I can be honest and say things and it doesn't matter what people think??? Wwaaaahhhhh (I must admit that I have seriously thought about starting another more "private" blog where I would continue to just remain anonymous!!)

Random thought #5...I can't believe that I just wrote that really long run on random thought sentence...

That is it...Gonna run now, I hope all are having great days...


  1. If you have something you need to deal with and talk about, in person is the best. E-mail's miss the tone and meaning a lot of times and things get misunderstood in cyberspace far more often than the real deal. Letting it brew isn't healthy...

    Remember my sis and I got into it over an email and we didn't talk for almost 2 months.

    (Good) relationships are worth fighting for!

  2. hey there, I hate confrontation too or anything that remotly feels like confrontation!! I run and don't look back......till lately.......God has made me DEAL with it and the ones where I listened and dealt with it...the frustration and uneasy feelings went away a lot faster then if I had it fester some more.....sometimes I have to admit.......I enjoy a good fester and let myself feel upset or angry....not that is good or correct and I always feel better when I deal with it....
    and I TOTALLY hear you with doing another anyomous blog! sometimes I want to just get out what I am feeling and spew it all over the place without hurting anyone or offending anyone or getting any "helping" now I journal those thoughts/feelings so they are private and I don't have to stress about someone finding them...cuz just cuz I am feeling something at the moment doesn't mean that it is a real or true feeling...
    I will be praying for you tomorrow....physicals are NEVER fun.....
