Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Todays Thoughts

It is Tuesday already, I had no time to post yesterday, so here I am now...

Before going away on the weekend I was able to sell some of the homeschool books that we don't need. It is the first time I have sold over the internet. I went today and priced out the shipping and hope to get the sent off soon. It has made me want to do more like this...so now I am going to check out eBay, and see how it all works out. I think for smaller items, like books, it is not so bad. We need to start making some money outside of Mr. Bus Drivers job. He is waiting to see if he can take 2 more runs everyday, which will really help out the financial load here at home.

My nephew goes to a Christian school here and they are having a silent auction coming up. They were asking people for donations so I donated an Usborne book and also sent along some business cards with it. Maybe I will get some repeat business from there too. It is basically advertising.

The weather today is just beautiful it is only -1 outside, we have our windows open and the heat off. It is such a nice pre-spring day, maybe it is coming soon...I hope!! Mr. BD has a guy coming over tonight to watch the hockey game with him. It is Montreal and Toronto tonight, so our house is in for a rivalry!!

Anyhow, I am gonna go see what kind of treats we can make. The kids want something to munch on while watching the game...I wonder how hard it is to make potato chips?


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