Saturday, January 14, 2006

Wow, what a day!!

Well, today was our Family Fun Day at the church. My husband and I help to put this day on. We have a street hockey game in the parking lot, board games for the kids inside, movies, games for the adults who don't like hockey, and hot dogs and hot chocolate for everyone. It was an absolute blast!! We really enjoy meeting the new people and spending time together with our church family.

At the end of the day I am soooo tired though. I love that everyone helps out it really makes it a fun day for all involved.

I will also be putting together some memories that I am going to read at the funeral on Monday. Some different things about waht happened while she was in the nursing home here. All the nurses loved my grandma. She had such a sense of humour right up to the end. She would make faces and comments about and to other people that would make them laugh and laugh!!

Anyways, I am headingg off of here to get some supper for the kids. I also have to figure out what we are having for supper tomorrow, we are having my husbands brother and family over for dinner.

I will be back later to write more if I have time!!


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