Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I Am Back!!

I know, it has been a while since I have written last.

What a crazy week. Everyone here has been sick. When you have 4 children and 1 gets sick, it is kind of inevitable that another one would get sick too!!

I worked in the elections yesterday. It was fun, I have done it before and enjoy a day away, but...when I was gone, I found out that my baby had gotten sick in the morning and then later in the day my oldes son had been sick too. What a day to be away from the family!!

My hubby started his training today. He is in the process of getting a B license. We are hoping and praying that this will open many doors for him down the road. We really believe that he will get a good job out of the license. He seems to be excited about it too.

I spent the day making some meals, I made 2 Macaroni and Cheese and 2 Macaroni Pies. They look so good I can't wait until supper to eat!! After dinner I am going to a class at Curves. I have some weight that I want (need) to lose so I am excited for the class. I found out the other day that I have lost 18 pounds since June. That was a huge amount of encouragement for me. So now I am on a roll.

My hubby and I have a contest to see who can lose more weight by the end of March. Whoever wins gets a new outfit. I want to win soooo bad!! We also have another contest on with some friends of ours. It is girls against guys, whichever team loses the most gets to choose the "date". I really hope we win that one too!! This is a great way to keep accountable to someone and a great way to encourage each other too.

Alright, my baby is awake and I gotta run to change a diaper. So I will write again soon.


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